Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): TV actor Aman Jaiswal, best known for his role in *Dhartiputra Nandini*, tragically passed away in a road accident on January 17. The heartbreaking news was confirmed by writer and director Dhiraj Mishra, according to media inputs .

The accident took place on Jogeshwari Highway when Aman on his way to an audition was hit by a truck while riding his bike. His friend, Abhinesh Mishra, shared that Aman was rushed to Mumbai’s Cama Hospital but succumbed to his injuries 30 minutes later.

Dhiraj Mishra paid a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, sharing a photo of Aman and writing, “You will live in our memories… God can be so cruel sometimes. Your death made me realize today… Goodbye @aman__jazz.” The post has since been deleted.

Aman Jaiswal’s untimely death at just 23 years old has left his family, friends and fans devastated while the entertainment industry mourns the loss of a rising young star.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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