Shamli (The Uttam Hindu): An encounter took place between the UP STF and criminals in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh at midnight. During this operation, the STF killed Arshad, who was carrying a reward of Rs 1 lakh, and his three companions. According to media reports, this encounter took place in Jhinjhana area of ​​Shamli. In the firing from both sides, Arshad, a member of Mustafa Kagga gang, and his three companions Manjeet, Satish and an unidentified person were seriously injured. However, all of them died later. Arshad was wanted in a robbery case from Behat police station of Saharanpur.

ADG Zone had also announced a reward of Rs 1 lakh on him. Arshad had 17 cases registered against him in Saharanpur, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar and Haryana, including robbery, murder and others. During the encounter, Inspector Sunil, who was leading the STF team, was hit by several bullets. He was admitted to Amritdhara Hospital in Karnal for treatment, from where he was referred to Medanta in Gurugram.

According to media reports, late on Monday night, STF Meerut received secret information that criminals were going to Jhinjhana area of ​​Shamli with the intention of looting. After this, the STF team reached the spot. According to STF sources, when the team saw the car coming, they tried to stop it, during which the car riders started firing. After this, the team also retaliated. Firing took place from both sides for about 30 minutes. STF killed Mustafa Kagga gang member Arshad and his three companions.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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