Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during a violent break-in at his Bandra, Mumbai residence early on January 16, 2025. The attack occurred around 2:30 AM when an unidentified intruder entered his home, reportedly through an unlocked door. After confronting Khan's maid the intruder attacked the actor when he intervened to protect her.

Khan sustained six stab wounds with one injury dangerously close to his spine. He was immediately rushed to Lilavati Hospital where he is currently stable and recovering. Medical staff have confirmed that while his injuries are severe they are not life-threatening. According to the latest updates, Khan underwent surgery performed by a neurosurgeon. Medical staff further reported that two of the stab wounds are deep requiring careful evaluation post-surgery.

Following the attack, police have detained three of Khan's gate security personnel as part of their investigation into how the intruder gained access to the building and bypassed security. Authorities are also reviewing CCTV footage from the premises to gather further details about the incident and trace any possible accomplices. The Mumbai police are conducting a comprehensive investigation with teams assigned to determine if any valuables were stolen during the attack. This incident has raised serious concerns about the safety of high-profile individuals in Mumbai and has sparked discussions regarding the need for enhanced security measures for celebrities.

Updated On 16 Jan 2025 10:39 AM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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