Kasganj (The Uttam Hindu): In a sensational incident in UP's Kasganj, a retired ADM has been murdered. The body of retired ADM Rajendra Kumar, owner of the guest house, was found soaked in blood in Meenakshi Guest House located in village Mamon of the city Kotwali area. This incident has created a stir in the police department.

Retired ADM Rajendra Kumar was living in his village for many years after his retirement. He was running Meenakshi Guest House on the highway near his village. On Tuesday morning, his body was found soaked in blood in the guest house premises.

As soon as the information of the incident was received, Kasganj Kotwali and Soron Kotwali police reached the spot. Higher officials including SP, ASP and CO City also reached the spot and started investigating the incident. The police is investigating the matter thoroughly and trying to find out the reasons for the murder. The reasons for the murder have not been revealed yet. This incident has created a sensation in the area and the pressure on the police administration to catch the culprits as soon as possible has increased.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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