England (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency has sparked protests in both India and abroad. In Birmingham, England, Khalistani supporters disrupted a screening at the Star City View cinema hall raising pro-Khalistan slogans and attempting to halt the screening. However, audience members pushed back forcing the protestors to leave. In Punjab, the film has faced strong opposition from Sikh organizations including protests outside theatres on January 17 leading to the cancellation of screenings in several PVR cinemas. The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has accused the film of misrepresenting Sikh history and demanded a ban in Punjab.

The SGPC claims the film inaccurately depicts events during the 1975-77 Emergency under Indira Gandhi's regime particularly regarding atrocities against Sikhs and military actions on the Golden Temple. SGPC President Harjinder Singh Dhami has written to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann urging a ban on the film arguing it disrespects Sikh contributions and sacrifices while creating a negative portrayal. Separately, a Punjab law student has sent a legal notice to Kangana Ranaut demanding an apology to the Sikh community warning of further legal action if she fails to respond.

Kangana has responded to the controversy, calling the backlash “harassment of art and artists.” She denied the allegations, stating her respect for all religions and dismissing the claims as propaganda against her and the film. The film, initially delayed by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) over contentious scenes was released after undergoing multiple edits including changes to scenes depicting controversial remarks by international leaders and military violence. Despite the revisions, Emergency continues to face resistance, highlighting ongoing tensions over its depiction of historical events.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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