Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Beloved singer Darshan Raval has officially tied the knot with his best friend, Dharal Surelia in a heartwarming wedding ceremony. Sharing the joyous news on Instagram, Darshan posted a series of captivating pictures with the heartfelt caption, "My best friend forever."

The wedding photos captured Darshan looking dashing in a traditional sherwani while Dharal exuded elegance in a gorgeous red bridal ensemble. The couple’s undeniable chemistry and love have left fans in awe, as intimate moments from their special day went viral, spreading smiles and happiness across social media.

Fans and well-wishers have flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages, celebrating this milestone in the singer’s life. The dreamy ceremony and the couple's radiant smiles make this a truly unforgettable event for their admirers worldwide.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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