JALANDHAR (The Uttam Hindu): The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has officially announced its candidates for key leadership roles in the Jalandhar Municipal Corporation. Vineet Dhir has been nominated for the post of Mayor, Balbir Singh Bittu Dhillon for Senior Deputy Mayor and Malkit Singh for Deputy Mayor.

This announcement comes as AAP consolidates its position after emerging as the single largest party in the recent Jalandhar municipal elections. The party has extended its majority through strategic alliances with independent and other councillors paving the way for a robust leadership in the municipal corporation.

The Nominees

Vineet Dhir, a prominent leader within AAP, won from Ward 62 with a decisive victory and is expected to lead Jalandhar Corporation with a focus on development and transparency.

Balbir Singh Bittu Dhillon, a seasoned politician who joined AAP before the elections brings significant experience to the role of Senior Deputy Mayor. His win in Ward 10 reflects his strong local support.

Malkit Singh, nominated for Deputy Mayor, represents AAP’s commitment to inclusive and effective governance at the municipal level.

The Punjab government recently issued a notification for mayoral elections with the official election expected to be conducted within a month.

Party's Message

AAP leaders and supporters have congratulated the nominees and expressed confidence in their ability to drive development and transparent administration in Jalandhar. The party extended best wishes to all councillors for their future endeavors in serving the city’s residents. This development marks another step forward in AAP's mission to establish strong grassroots governance in Punjab.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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