New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): Train travel just got more convenient with the Indian Railways' new WhatsApp service. Passengers can now access various railway services directly through WhatsApp including PNR status, live train status, food orders, ticket bookings, train schedules, coach positions and even lodging complaints during travel.

To use this service passengers need to save the number 98811-93322 on their phones. After saving the number they can open WhatsApp go to the chatbox and type "Hi" to initiate the service. A response will provide several optionsvsuch as "Where is my train," "Train schedule," "Food in train," "Confirmed travel guarantee," "Booked return ticket" and "Complaint during train journey."

Users can choose the desired option follow the simple steps and click on the provided link to complete their query. This service is expected to make train travel more seamless and user-friendly.

Updated On 8 Jan 2025 5:52 PM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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