Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Popular YouTuber and podcast host Ranveer Allahbadia recently opened up about a harrowing experience in Goa, where he narrowly escaped drowning. In an emotional Instagram post on December 25, Ranveer shared how he and his girlfriend were pulled under by a strong sea current while swimming on December 24. Describing the ordeal, Ranveer revealed that the powerful undercurrent swept them away, turning a joyful moment into a life-threatening situation. Despite his lifelong love for open-sea swimming, he struggled for five to ten minutes before losing consciousness and calling for help.

The couple’s lives were saved thanks to the quick action of a family swimming nearby, led by an IPS officer and his IRS wife. Ranveer expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the duo, calling their intervention a blessing. "It was just a fun moment until the undercurrent overwhelmed us," he wrote, explaining that they were left struggling to swim and swallowed large amounts of water. "I am deeply grateful to the family of that IPS officer and his IRS wife who saved us," he added.

Ranveer refrained from disclosing his girlfriend’s identity or sharing her photos in the post but reflected on the overwhelming emotions they felt after the incident. "This experience left us feeling empty and grateful at the same time. We felt God's protection throughout," he wrote. Ranveer has since assured fans that both he and his girlfriend are now safe and recovering from the terrifying experience.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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