Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): In a disturbing development, comedian Kapil Sharma along with fellow celebrities Rajpal Yadav, Remo D'Souza and Sugandha Mishra has reportedly received death threats via email from a sender named 'Bishnu' in Pakistan. The threat warns the recipients of dire consequences if they do not respond within eight hours urging them to treat the message with the utmost seriousness and confidentiality.

Following the threat, an FIR was filed at the Amboli Police Station in Mumbai under Section 351(3) of the Indian Penal Code. The police have launched an investigation to trace the sender and assess the severity of the threat posed to the celebrities. Authorities are also ensuring the safety of the individuals named in the threat.

This incident is part of a growing trend of threats targeting public figures in Mumbai raising concerns about the safety of prominent personalities. The police are on high alert to prevent any harm and to identify those responsible for such threats.

Updated On 23 Jan 2025 9:54 AM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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