Mathura (The Uttam Hindu): A devastating road accident occurred in Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh, near the Chhata Sugar Mill on the National Highway. A canter collided with a brick-laden tractor-trolley from behind resulting in the deaths of three individuals and leaving one critically injured who has been admitted to the hospital.

The victims include tractor driver Puran a resident of Bulwana, Haryana conductor Umesh from Sahar, Barsana canter driver Prince Singh of Azamgarh, and Dharmendra Yadav from Mahipalpur, Delhi. According to Kotwali in-charge Sanjay Kumar Tyagi the canter rammed into the tractor-trolley traveling towards Mathura with such force that both the driver and conductor were thrown from the vehicle, scattering bricks across the highway.

Umesh and Prince Singh succumbed to their injuries at the scene while Puran passed away en route to the hospital. Dharmendra, who sustained serious injuries has been hospitalized. Police and the NHAI team promptly responded to the incident. Investigations are underway to determine the cause of the collision.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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