New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): The budget session of the 18th Lok Sabha has begun with the address of President Draupadi Murmu. Before the budget session began, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the media and paid obeisance to Goddess Lakshmi. He also gave information about the third term of the government. Let's take a look at the 10 important points of PM Modi's speech.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his address by paying obeisance to Goddess Lakshmi. He said, today at the beginning of the budget session, I bow to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity. For centuries, we have been remembering Goddess Lakshmi on such occasions. I pray to Mahalakshmi that Goddess Lakshmi's special blessings remain on every poor and middle class of the country.

PM Modi called it the vision of the resolution of 2047. He said, our republic has completed 75 years. This is a matter of great pride for every citizen of the country. The people of this country have given me responsibility for the third time. This is the full budget of my third term. I can say with confidence that this budget will give new energy, it gives confidence that the country will develop by 2047 and 140 crore people will fulfill this vision with their resolve.

He termed it a golden opportunity for young MPs. Addressing the media, he said, in this budget session, all MPs will contribute to strengthen developed India. This is a golden opportunity especially for the young MPs. Because the more awareness and participation they increase in the House, the fruits of developed India will be visible before their eyes.

Before the budget, PM Modi also talked about 'igniting sparks from a foreign corner'. He said, I have been seeing since 2014 that before every session, people used to sit ready to create mischief and here there is no dearth of people to fuel them. After 10 years, this is the first session I am seeing in which no spark was ignited from any foreign corner.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also gave the mantra to accelerate the pace of development. He said, Reform, Perform and Transform. When a fast pace of development has to be achieved, the maximum emphasis is on reform. The state and central governments have to perform together and with the participation of the people, we can see transformation.

Most importantly, PM Modi claimed to work in mission mode. He said, in our third term, we are moving ahead in mission mode with the resolve of all-round development of the country, whether it is geographically, socially or in different economic contexts.

He mentioned the young beneficiaries of developed India. The Prime Minister said that our country is a young country, there is youth power. The youth who are 20-25 years old today, when they will be 45-50 years old, they will be the biggest beneficiaries of developed India. In his address, the Prime Minister talked about respecting Nari Shakti. He said, especially to re-establish the pride of Nari Shakti, to ensure that every woman gets a respectable life and equal rights without any discrimination of religion or sect, many important decisions will be taken in this session.

PM Modi talked about the economic roadmap. He said, innovation, inclusion and investment have constantly been the basis of the roadmap of our economic activity. In this session, as always, many historic bills will be discussed in the House and after extensive brainstorming, they will become laws that will increase the strength of the nation. Prime Minister Modi expressed hope that the government will live up to the expectations of the people. He said that I hope that we will live up to the hopes and aspirations of the country in this budget session.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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