New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): The police have arrested the individual responsible for issuing bomb threats to 10 schools in Delhi. Investigations revealed that a Class 12 student made the hoax calls, providing false information. The student who is a minor has been taken into custody and questioning is currently underway.

According to the police, the student admitted to sending the threatening emails via Gmail with the intention of getting exams canceled. Authorities describe the student as the mastermind behind the act and are investigating the involvement of other students in the conspiracy. On Wednesday morning emails threatening to bomb 10 schools led to the closure of all affected institutions. DCP South, Ankit Chauhan stated that during interrogation the accused confessed to sending 23 emails to various schools across Delhi.

The Delhi Police have been actively investigating similar incidents. In December alone over 100 schools received false bomb threat emails. Last month, two students from a school in Rohini were found to have issued similar threats in an attempt to postpone their exams.

Updated On 10 Jan 2025 11:26 AM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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