Uttar Pradesh (The Uttam Hindu): In Sambhal, ongoing excavations have led to the discovery of another ancient well, believed to be one of the many wells mentioned in ancient stories. The well, which was filled in a few years ago has been excavated for two consecutive days. This finding comes after the administration discovered a well on Wednesday, named Ramkoop, near Jama Masjid with Shri Ram Chabutra built nearby.

The Ramkoop well, approximately 70 feet deep was previously used for worship but was closed and encroached upon about 25 years ago. The municipal team, along with the police is currently digging the well. The administration is working to remove encroachments around Jama Masjid and search for old temples and wells in Sambhal.

The discovery of this ancient well is significant as it corroborates ancient stories about the presence of multiple wells and temples in Sambhal. The administration's efforts to uncover these hidden gems are ongoing with local authorities working tirelessly to restore the area's historical significance.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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