Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Actor Saif Ali Khan, who was injured in a home attack, was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday after six days. The actor was admitted to Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery. His wife-actress Kareena Kapoor Khan rushed to Lilavati Hospital to bring Saif home. The actor has been suggested by doctors that he needs to rest for a few more days to recover completely.

Meanwhile, security at Saif Ali Khan's house has been beefed up. The floor ducts of the actor's house have been packed with mesh (net). All the AC duct areas on the 12th floor of the building where Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan live with their children Jeh and Taimur have been sealed with mesh screens.

Earlier, the police reached actor Saif Ali Khan's house on Tuesday morning and recreated the entire crime scene. Mumbai Police, which is investigating the attack on the actor, also brought the accused Shahzad along so that the entire crime scene could be understood. The police learned from the accused how he attacked Saif. While recreating the crime scene, the accused also told the police everything about how he entered Saif's house. This will help the police in further investigation.

Earlier, the forensic department team had reached the actor's house and collected evidence. Apart from this, the police also detained two domestic helpers working in Saif's house and questioned them, after which they were released. The police have interrogated many people in this case so far. At the same time, it has come to light in the police investigation that the accused who attacked Saif is a Bangladeshi.

The police arrested Mohammad Shahzad, the man who attacked actor Saif, on January 17. After this, he was produced in the court, from where he was sent on five-day police remand.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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