Ludhiana (The Uttam Hindu): In a tragic incident, Gurpreet Gogi, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA from the West constituency in Ludhiana, succumbed to a gunshot injury on Friday. According to initial reports the bullet struck his head creating panic in the household.

The sound of a gunshot was heard from Gogi's room prompting family members to rush in. They found him lying on the floor soaked in blood. He was immediately taken to the DMC Hospital but doctors pronounced him dead on arrival.

Police have not officially confirmed the cause of the shooting yet but sources suggest the MLA was cleaning his licensed revolver when it accidentally discharged. Ludhiana Police Commissioner Kuldeep Chahal, Deputy Commissioner Jitendra Jorwal and other officials have initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Gogi had returned home late the previous night after attending various events including a meeting with MP Sant Balveer Singh Seechewal at Budha Dariya. Shortly after instructing his servant to prepare food, the gunshot was heard.

Police Commissioner Chahal stated that it is too early to determine the exact sequence of events. The body has been sent for a post-mortem examination and further details are awaited. The news has sent shockwaves across Punjab with political leaders and officials visiting the site to express their condolences.

Updated On 11 Jan 2025 10:07 AM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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