Osteoarthritis Disability Among Postmenopausal Women Rises Over 130% Globally: Study

Update: 2025-03-05 08:08 GMT

New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): A recent study reveals that the global number of osteoarthritis cases, along with the disability it causes, has surged by over 130% in the last 30 years among postmenopausal women. In 2020, approximately 595 million people worldwide were affected by the condition, making up nearly 8% of the global population, with postmenopausal women particularly at risk.

The research, published in *BMJ Global Health*, shows significant increases in new cases, existing cases, and years of healthy life lost (DALYs) from 1990 to 2021. There were 14,258,581 new cases, 278,568,950 existing cases, and 99,447,16 years of healthy life lost in 2021 alone, marking increases of 133%, 140%, and 142%, respectively.

According to the study, the sharp rise is linked to the decline in estrogen levels after menopause, which affects both skeletal health and the stability of joints. Additionally, excess weight contributes to 20% of the disability caused by osteoarthritis.

The researchers from Hangzhou Medical College and Zhejiang University in China have called attention to the escalating burden of osteoarthritis among postmenopausal women. They emphasize the need for urgent measures to monitor and manage risk factors, with a focus on encouraging lifestyle changes to control body mass index (BMI). Furthermore, the study advocates for policies that take socio-demographic disparities into account to effectively reduce the burden of the condition.

The team analyzed data from 204 countries and territories between 1990 and 2021, looking at new and existing cases of knee, hip, hand, and other types of osteoarthritis, as well as DALYs among postmenopausal women aged 55 and older. Knee osteoarthritis was found to be the most prevalent and associated with the highest loss of healthy life years, followed by hand and other forms of the disease. Hip osteoarthritis was the least common and associated with the lowest rates of DALYs.


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