Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Television actress Tejasswi Prakash took to social media to inform fans that she suffered a burn injury on the sets of her upcoming show “Celebrity MasterChef." On Sunday, the ‘Naagin 6’ took to her Instagram stories and posted a photo of herself with a burn mark on her hand. Sharing the image, she wrote, “The show must go on.” Tejasswi is preparing for her return to television after a brief hiatus following her successful run on “Naagin 6.”
The actress is widely known for her stint in shows like “Swaragini – Jodein Rishton Ke Sur.” In 2021, she participated in the reality show Bigg Boss 15 and emerged as the winner. She made her Marathi film debut with “Mann Kasturi Re.”
“Celebrity MasterChef” is a cooking-based reality show, similar to Laughter Chefs. The show will feature popular personalities such as Dipika Kakkar Ibrahim, Gaurav Khanna, Nikki Tamboli, Rajiv Adatia, and many others, alongside Tejasswi. The makers have already released promos for the show on social media.
Choreographer and director Farah Khan has been roped in as the host of the cooking-based reality show “Celebrity MasterChef.” Farah revealed her passion for experimenting with recipes and discovering new cuisines.
Speaking about the show, Farah said in a statement, “I’ve always been an avid foodie, I enjoy experimenting with recipes, exploring new cuisines, and adding my own twist. I’ve channelled my love for food by starting my own digital cooking channel. When I was approached to host ‘Celebrity MasterChef’, I jumped at the opportunity. Not only do I adore the format, but I've also had the pleasure of being friends with our fabulous Chef Judges, the talented Ranveer Brar and Vikas Khanna.”
She further mentioned, “I was part of the MasterChef family when it first came to India, and I’m well acquainted with most of the incredible celebrity lineup that we have this season, so it's going to be a wild ride! As host, I'm excited to bring the heat to the MasterChef kitchen. Expect straightforward, brutally honest feedback because 'Celebrity MasterChef par seeti Farah bajayegi’, the pressure is on, and only the best will shine”.
“Celebrity MasterChef” will soon stream on Sony Entertainment Television.